“SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR changes the performance capacity of society” Peter Drucker-
The current economic crisis and the emerging environmental problems have created consciousness in our community. The new era of undergraduates have to overcome new challenges in the world, and have to be prepared and become part of the emerging movement called Social Entrepreneurship.
Prof. Jose Rocha gave us the opportunity to enrich our knowledge with an interesting book named “How to Change the World, Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas” by David Bornstein and I highly recommend it.
This book is about normal people who had powerful and innovative ideas to solve social problems. This term “entrepreneur” comes from the French and means “one who undertakes.” One important economist of the 20th century said that the entrepreneur is the -source of “creative destruction”, which occurs when something new kills something older, technologically speaking. To illustrate, in our everyday day is more frequent to see people using mp3 players, the well-known Ipod; it’s not normal to see a person using a cd-player anymore. This “creative destruction” is necessary for major economic advances.
Today social entrepreneurship is becoming established as a vocation and a mainstream area of analysis because Social entrepreneurs have powerful ideas to solve problems in areas as education, healthcare, environmental protection, disability, and political institutions. They serve large markets with limited resources.
Nowadays non -government organizations have develop into “citizen sectors” a sector that peter Drucker has called America’s leading growth industry, creating organizations that address issues that NGO couldn’t address.
What is driving this change from being solely non-profit organization to a “Citizen Sector”?
These are the reasons that barriers don’t exist in today’s world:
- There is economic expansion around the world.
- People’s average life has increased.
- Grow of a middle class (in some countries) along with higher education
- Declining of racial barriers.
To sum up, today, more people have the freedom, time, wealth, health, exposure, social mobility, and confidence to address social problems.
Supply and Demand increase everyday and also is Technology
Because of technology more citizens have become aware of economic, social, political and environmental crisis around the world. Many citizens have become active part of this sector and now they use these technology advances to address these kinds of problems with effective solutions.
In the past three decades, one-third of the planet’s resources, its “natural wealth,” has been consumed. That’s why social entrepreneurs with the use of technology and proper education have come up with new approaches to many social ills and new models to create wealth, promote social well-being, and restore the environment.
With the rising popularity of the citizen sector many people are interested, but some other people are not, but in reality anyone can participate to be a social entrepreneur and be part in this new sector. These organizations will need managers, marketers, finance experts, writers, salespeople and other skilled professionals but must important they will need people with innovating and out of the box thoughts.
I hope many students have the opportunity to read this book that I found really inspiring. It could really change the way we see our present and future.
This is a really interesting book. I read it a couple of months ago and how you describe it is wonderful. I found a lot of ideas and new perspectives from the book. It's very amazing how you guys post great articles in this post. Keep it up!!!