Blog Archive
- Shoe Donations to Homeless
- Government talking about taxing miles driven?
- Heroes with Red Jackets
- How to change the World - Chp 1 - Restless People
- Forces That Shape the Business and Society Relatio...
- Innovators for the Public
- "Social Entrepreneur"
Monday, April 20, 2009
In order to support Chanel's post I have found a very interesting approach Google Inc. is taking towards a more Corporate Social Responsible business, please check out the video and this website for more info:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green
1. Save energy to save money.
2. Save water to save money.
3. Less gas=more money and better health.
4. Eat smart.
5. Skp the bottled water.
6. Think before you buy.
7. Borrow instead of buying.
8. Buy smart.
9. Keep electronics out of the trash.
10. Make your own cleaning supplies.
After our field work project I have been influenced and motivated to go GREEN and you should too. For more information and a detailed description please visit:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Please check out this video we prepared for you and the rest of our class from our fieldwork project at the ORAA in the Oleta River State Park!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
" YES MEN" movement

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Organizational Climate and Crisis Management
This is a really good article that explains a technique in order to better assess organizational climate in order to understand what is better for the company, its employees, and stakeholders.
It focuses on these points:
- Fundamental care of the employee as an asset
- Respect for the dignity of the employee and the sensitivities of human beings
- Full understanding of the realities of business
- Embracing optimization and improvement
- Keys to motivation and commitment
Check out this web address for more info:
I wanted to present this section from a different angle. Last class when we talked about how to overcome crisis, such as the 9/11 events, we looked at how the markets collapsed and they came back up, then how people re-united and formed an ever stronger nation.
In this very interesting article I read today from, they are trying to bring back hope to people and also compare the differences and similarities between the Great Depression of the 1930's and today's situation.
It talks about:
- Unemployment rates
- Contractions in the economy
- Uncertainty in the market
Check out the article:
Keep hope high,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Shoe Donations to Homeless

Shoe Donations To Help Poor, Homeless
Shoe Giveaway Begins At 10:00 a.m.
- These shoes dumped on the Palmetto Expressway are theinspiration for a program to provide new shoes for the homeless
Related Stories
- Charity Collects Shoes Dumped On Palmetto (1/7/2009)
- Dumped Shoes Will Be Given Out In Haiti (1/6/2009)
- Thousands Of Shoes Dumped On Miami Expressway (1/3/2009)
Tuesday, the Nashville-based nonprofit group "Soles 4 Souls", along with Invicta and Red Wing Shoes, will give away 1,000 new shoes at Camillus House, a Miami homeless shelter.
"Soles 4 Souls" is giving away the new shoes to show its gratitude after they recently picked up thousands of shoes that were mysteriously dumped along the Palmetto Expressway last month. As part of the cleanup, those shoes were donated to needy people in Haiti. The shoe charity has distributed 100,000 pairs of shoes to Haitians in the past four months.
Now, instead of giving shoes to those in need in Haiti, the organization is giving away shoes to those in need in South Florida.
"These are the sneakers they are going to be passing out," Keith Smith told CBS 4's Jorge Estevez as he pointed to the style of shoes that will be handed out.
Smith is not only a volunteer but also a client.
He is one of the people living at Camillus House during these tough times.
"You do a lot of walking during the day moving from one place to the other just trying to survive," said Smith, who was homeless for fifteen years.
"My story is one of drug abuse alcohol being homeless," said Smith, who is now clean for seven months.
"For someone who is homeless who is looking through the garbage can to see if someone threw away a pair of sneakers. Yes, this is big," said Sam Gil, who works at Camillus House.
Having a pair of shoes is also big for Smith, who received his own pair. "That means I can put a few more miles doing what I need to do," said Smith.
Camillus house will hand out a thousand shoes to the members in their program, but the group is now looking for other charities in South Florida to donate another 9 thousand pairs.
The shoe giveaway will begin at 10:00 a.m. and is expected to last for several hours.
(© MMIX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Government talking about taxing miles driven?
"It is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration," Gibbs told reporters, when asked for the president's thoughts about the policy and LaHood's remarks.
Gasoline taxes that for nearly half a century have paid for the federal share of highway and bridge construction can no longer be counted on to raise enough money to keep the nation's transportation system moving, LaHood told the AP in an interview Thursday.
"We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled," the former Illinois Republican lawmaker said Thursday.
LaHood spokeswoman Lori Irving said Friday that the secretary was speaking of the idea only in general terms, not as something being implemented as administration policy.
Most transportation experts see a vehicle miles traveled tax as a long-term solution, but Congress is being urged to move in that direction now by funding pilot projects.
The idea also is gaining ground in several states. Governors in Idaho and Rhode Island are talking about such programs, and a North Carolina panel suggested in December the state start charging motorists a quarter-cent for every mile as a substitute for the gas tax.
A tentative plan in Massachusetts to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge motorists by the mile has drawn complaints from drivers who say it's an Orwellian intrusion by government into the lives of citizens. Other motorists say it eliminates an incentive to drive more fuel-efficient cars since gas guzzlers will be taxed at the same rate as fuel sippers.
Besides a VMT tax, more tolls for highways and bridges and more government partnerships with business to finance transportation projects are other funding options, LaHood, one of two Republicans in Obama's Cabinet, said in the interview Thursday.
"What I see this administration doing is this — thinking outside the box on how we fund our infrastructure in America," he said.
LaHood said he firmly opposes raising the federal gasoline tax in the current recession.
The program that funds the federal share of highway projects is part of a surface transportation law that expires Sept. 30. Last fall, Congress made an emergency infusion of $8 billion to make up for a shortfall between gas tax revenues and the amount of money promised to states for their projects. The gap between money raised by the gas tax and the cost of maintaining the nation's highway system and expanding it to accommodate population growth is forecast to continue to widen.
Among the reasons for the gap is a switch to more fuel-efficient cars and a decrease in driving that many transportation experts believe is related to the economic downturn. Electric cars and alternative-fuel vehicles that don't use gasoline are expected to start penetrating the market in greater numbers.
A blue-ribbon national transportation commission is expected to release a report next week recommending a VMT.
The system would require all cars and trucks be equipped with global satellite positioning technology, a transponder, a clock and other equipment to record how many miles a vehicle was driven, whether it was driven on highways or secondary roads, and even whether it was driven during peak traffic periods or off-peak hours.
The device would tally how much tax motorists owed depending upon their road use. Motorists would pay the amount owed when it was downloaded, probably at gas stations at first, but an alternative eventually would be needed.
Rob Atkinson, chairman of the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission, the blue-ribbon group that is developing future transportation funding options, said moving to a national VMT would take about a decade.
Privacy concerns are based more on perception than any actual risk, Atkinson said. The satellite information would be beamed one way to the car and driving information would be contained within the device on the car, with the amount of the tax due the only information that's downloaded, he said.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Heroes with Red Jackets
City Year: Give a Year and Help Change The World
Last week during my routine drive to school tuned in to WLRN (FM 91.3) for all the news head lines and recent issues in the U.S. and the world, I heard about this great organization called City Year. What they are is basically a volunteer organization trying to help out society and eventually how they say it "help change the world" by going to schools and working with kids to help them improve their skills and involvement in class. This organization was founded in 1988 in the city of Boston, MA. Today it works in more than 21 states across the U.S. and the Miami Division was just opened this January 19, 2009.
These young men and women are true Heroes, raging from ages from 17 to 24 years old, they give a year of their lives in order to help out their communities and the less fortunate ones.
The thing I liked the most about this when I heard about it, is that it is a daily routine! You are giving to your community every day. It is not just about hours or 2-days-a-week gigs. These Heroes are working everyday "just like the super heroes in the movies" as current Miami Group Leader said.
Here's a brief description I took from their "About us section" in their website:
Please visit their website and read through it:
City Year unites young people of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them the skills and opportunities to change the world.
As tutors, mentors and role models, these young leaders make a difference in the lives of children, and transform schools and neighborhoods in 18 U.S. locations and Johannesburg, South Africa. Just as important, during their year of service corps members develop civic leadership skills they can use throughout a lifetime of community service.
Major corporations and businesses participate in our mission by serving as strategic partners, team sponsors, and national leadership sponsors.
Together we’re building a citizen service movement that is larger than our organization, our lifetime, and ourselves.
"Nothing means more to me than providing New York’s children with the tools they need to succeed in the classroom and in life, and no organization has done a better job of helping me achieve this goal than City Year."
– Michael Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How to change the World - Chp 1 - Restless People
It also discusses why there are more of these people and what changes have occurred to cause this. A large reason is the rise of more democratic governments that allow more freedoms to its citizens and residents. Another large reason for this transition is the innovation of communication through technology. There is more information to more people and very quickly. More people are aware of problems across the globe.Therefore people recognize change is needed. I believe, besides communication, that education is the largest factor in this change. The more education a person has the more likely they are to understand the problems.
The last part is the fact that non-government organizations are quicker than the government to respond to the new demands and opportunities. They are also better at dealing with the problems that grow slowly and effect society through cumulative effect on individuals. This is true. Government organizations tend to be very large and very in-efficient due to their structure and funding. NGO's tend to be smaller in size and carry an incentive to be efficient when dealing with problems.

Monday, February 9, 2009

There are many reasons why millions of corporations are getting involved in this concept of Corporate Social Responsibility because it helps corporations build better stakeholders collaboration, and it helps discover new ways to serve society. As companies expand their commercial activity globally, expectations from the public also grow. The Corporation should meet more than legal requirements, they have to pay attention to the processes and structures through which it approach stakeholders and also pay attention what decision it takes in that process.
Because companies do not become good corporate citizens overnight, there is a sequence of five-stages they have to pass through in order to become Corporate Citizens. Those stages are as follow:
Stage 1: Elementary
§ Citizen is underdeveloped.
§ Companies react only when threatened
Stage 2: Engaged
§ Companies become aware of changing public expectations
§ Top managers get involved
§ Step up its philanthropic giving or commit to specific environmental protection objectives.
Stage 3: Innovative “The Transformation Shell”
§ Structural innovations: new programs are launch, and start reporting their efforts to stakeholders
Stage 4: Integrated
§ Building coherent initiatives: Sustainability or Triple Bottom Line.
Stage 5: Transforming
§ Visionary leaders: change the game
It is important to mention that each stage is described by a distinctive pattern of concepts, strategic intent, leadership, issues management, stakeholder relationships, and transparency. Also the model’s author (Mirvins & Googings, 2006) emphasizes that certain companies may be at more than one stage at once, as it may progress faster on some dimensions than on others.
This term of Global Corporate Citizen entails a social and environmental commitment that businesses have put in practice. Today’s managers have to understand these challenges and be effective reporting, assessing structures and processes that meet today’s companies’ social responsibilities with their stakeholders.
In future posts, we will give you additional information about this important term and its practices.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Forces That Shape the Business and Society Relationship

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Innovators for the Public
With our global community, we develop models for collaboration and design infrastructure needed to advance the field of social entrepreneurship and the citizen sector.
Our Fellows inspire others to adopt and spread their innovations - demonstrating to all citizens that they too have the potential to be powerful changemakers.
"Social Entrepreneur"

“SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR changes the performance capacity of society” Peter Drucker-
The current economic crisis and the emerging environmental problems have created consciousness in our community. The new era of undergraduates have to overcome new challenges in the world, and have to be prepared and become part of the emerging movement called Social Entrepreneurship.
Prof. Jose Rocha gave us the opportunity to enrich our knowledge with an interesting book named “How to Change the World, Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas” by David Bornstein and I highly recommend it.
This book is about normal people who had powerful and innovative ideas to solve social problems. This term “entrepreneur” comes from the French and means “one who undertakes.” One important economist of the 20th century said that the entrepreneur is the -source of “creative destruction”, which occurs when something new kills something older, technologically speaking. To illustrate, in our everyday day is more frequent to see people using mp3 players, the well-known Ipod; it’s not normal to see a person using a cd-player anymore. This “creative destruction” is necessary for major economic advances.
Today social entrepreneurship is becoming established as a vocation and a mainstream area of analysis because Social entrepreneurs have powerful ideas to solve problems in areas as education, healthcare, environmental protection, disability, and political institutions. They serve large markets with limited resources.
Nowadays non -government organizations have develop into “citizen sectors” a sector that peter Drucker has called America’s leading growth industry, creating organizations that address issues that NGO couldn’t address.
What is driving this change from being solely non-profit organization to a “Citizen Sector”?
These are the reasons that barriers don’t exist in today’s world:
- There is economic expansion around the world.
- People’s average life has increased.
- Grow of a middle class (in some countries) along with higher education
- Declining of racial barriers.
To sum up, today, more people have the freedom, time, wealth, health, exposure, social mobility, and confidence to address social problems.
Supply and Demand increase everyday and also is Technology
Because of technology more citizens have become aware of economic, social, political and environmental crisis around the world. Many citizens have become active part of this sector and now they use these technology advances to address these kinds of problems with effective solutions.
In the past three decades, one-third of the planet’s resources, its “natural wealth,” has been consumed. That’s why social entrepreneurs with the use of technology and proper education have come up with new approaches to many social ills and new models to create wealth, promote social well-being, and restore the environment.
With the rising popularity of the citizen sector many people are interested, but some other people are not, but in reality anyone can participate to be a social entrepreneur and be part in this new sector. These organizations will need managers, marketers, finance experts, writers, salespeople and other skilled professionals but must important they will need people with innovating and out of the box thoughts.
I hope many students have the opportunity to read this book that I found really inspiring. It could really change the way we see our present and future.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
H1B and L1 Visa
This is a link to a site with information about the L1 work visa.
Digital Natives
This is a video describing how you can be more of a digital native.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Generation X and Y
The following is an article about generation X and some satistics on it:
Helicopter Parents
Human Capital
This content can be found on the following page: